Q and A as seen in SF Gate and the San Francisco Chronicle’s weekly Sound Off with a Realtor.
Over the past few months Adam and I have been responding to their questions about the status of the real estate market as well as providing our opinions and insight regarding to the various aspects that make up our fast-paced, multi-faceted business.
Q: Is the Bay Area Market Showing Any Signs of Slowing Down?
A: I decided to get a pulse on the market by reaching out to a few agents in our Corcoran Global Living East Bay offices, formerly Highland Partners, to get their take. The quote I chose to include from Gene Della Maggiora is what I too am experiencing:
“It seems that the market is slowing down in terms of inventory but demand is still high. Buyers are getting picky again with the good houses going very high, while others sit or sell closer to the list price. Rates are inching up.”
Buyer fatigue, vaccinations, the ability to travel and work outside the home this quarter has also removed some buyers from our fast-paced market.
With that said, we have recommended that our sellers wait until the new year to go to market as we are nearing the holidays, and historically, buyers get busy winding down for the holidays. If a seller can wait, it’s probably best to capture fresh buyers.
The DiMaggio & Betta Group had an extremely busy year in 2020 and 2021 as did many sellers reaping the rewards of high sales prices due in part to travel restrictions and so many working from home.
As for 2022 I feel confident our East Bay micro market will get back to a flood of buyers, over-asking sales prices and more inventory just as seen in years prior.
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